Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while!

If only I get a nickel every time someone ask me that question. (I'll be rolling in my M6 by now)

Two days ago after my of my best friend, Ken, ask me the very same question, I decided to join the millions of people in this world and start a blog documenting my journeys and thoughts. As some of you might know, I travel quite a bit for my job to some pretty interesting places. This blog now gives me a reason to use the camera on my iphone to snap some pictures to share with you.

I intent to update my blog often so you will be up to date with all my shenanigans.


KTL said...

Yes! I'm the first one to comment on the Blog Of Fame. Yea Kelvin, where have you been? Hehe. It's not like we need a blog to keep in touch. I've known you for over 16 years dude. Anywayz....feeling kinda bummed out turning Dirrrttty...wahhhhhhh!

Keep bloggin away........

Seeker of the Light said...

Hey Pocket Ninja

Interesting Blogs! Will keep on reading. Live goes on - just as the river flows downstream. Blink of the eye and 2008 is gone - Poof and before we know it, New Year's Eve is here. Keep the good stuff coming!